約190年の歴史を持つ角田清兵衛商店は、 創業よりずっと変わらず、品質や意匠にこだわり 漆のモノづくりを行ってまいりました。世の中に海外製の安い商品が溢れる中、 いま一度原点に立ち戻り、 日本回帰のモノづくりをご提案してまいります。

Tsunoda Seibee Shoten, which has a history of about 190 years, haven’t been changing much since it was established. They have been making products of lacquer for quality and designs.While cheap products are overflowing all over the world, Stunoda Seibee Shoten always return to the origin keynote and proposes to make Japanese products.



We are in charge of branding in general, from concept design, logo, DM, package, POP, catalog, exhibition space, and product development.

Branding Design


It is possible to say most Japanese traditional crafts are in achromatic impression. Many of them used black, white, gray to express Japanese art. Despite of this achromatic impression, we used atmospheric color background to express the sophistication of handcraft, warm, and rich.

Art Direction & Design:北本 浩一郎
Design:シェイラ ガンバ
Photographer:竹林 省悟

CL:Tsunoda Seibee Shoten Co.,Ltd.
Production:CICATA, Inc.
Art Direction & Design:Koichiro Kitamoto
Design:Sheila Gamba
Photographer:Shogo Takebayashi

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